Meet The Owner

(Photo by Marielena Balouris)
Let me introduce you to the creator and owner of this coffee experience.
Jeron is a thought leader. Usually ahead of his time. Usually pioneer of the bunch.
He is husband, father, brother, son, innovator, entrepreneur, content creator, and
transformational leader.

In his personal relationships and his work within the communities he interfaces, one senses both his contagious passion and his depth of character.
Like his new coffee brand, his reach is global. From his experiences in various urban contexts, to Kansas City, Missouri, Buff Bay, Jamaica, and San José, Costa Rica, Jeron embodies both vision and legacy.
So, if you are ready for a taste of culture--a sample of both urban and geographically transcendent notes--join the movement of those unafraid to be authentically creative and organically grown.
Written by Lakia Morrow (Wife)
(Photo taken by @MarielenaBalouris on Instagram)